
Do we live in an ever increasing world of isolation, of walls and barriers? Defenses?

I feel like I’m in a rare minority these days in that I’m a person that would rather hug than shake hands; that reaches out to touch in acknowledgement. A person who also take comfort in those things.

It seems, however, that society is becoming increasingly mistrustful of touch – and let’s be clear, I am talking about the innocent, the innocuous, the hand laid on a shoulder while asking someone if they are okay, or to be supportive.  That hand on the shoulder has become an intrusion, the hug offered in friendship, an invasion. How long before a simple handshake joins the list of the unacceptable?

It is a lamentable state of affairs when expressions of warmth and human connection becomes seen as something inappropriate, and that instances of such are cited in situations where the accused becomes somehow less because of their humanity. And when occurrences – in retrospect –  of such behavior are used as weapons to chip away a person’s integrity and honor, it’s just plain shameful.

What would a world without touch look like, feel like?

It sounds like the plot of some kind of dystopian speculative fiction to think that in ten years, less… in five… or even sooner that humanity would ‘progress’ to the point where human, physical interactions are reserved to the kind of contact necessary – licenced – to ensure health, well being and the continuance of the species.

I challenge you to write a piece of fiction where that is the case.

In the meantime, do yourself a favor – hug and friend or loved one!

About Eirian Houpe

Writer and Teacher. Published works: Eternal Dance (as Linden S Barclay) and articles for Wigston Magna Dog Training Club, and SFX Magazine. Animal Reiki practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher. Also proprietor of CroStitch Creations.
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2 Responses to Isolation

  1. I don’t think I could write something like that. It’s too depressing. 🙂 I don’t touch people, in general, because I’m not around a lot of people anymore. But I’m very touchy-feely with the people I’m close to. I can’t stand going a long while without touching my Husband, and friends would always get hugs and such. I love touch and it is sad who the world is now and touch is more distrustful than not. :/

    • Eirian Houpe says:

      It would certainly be a dystopian story, that’s for sure. I too am a very touchy-feely person. I hate the thought of the way things going down to the very last fiber of my being.

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